New Pop on the Block
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Johan Palm - Emma-Lee (Listen)
I can understand why Johan was popular on Idol last year, but I never enjoyed his performances. There are always so many good singers and likeable characters on Idol, that I feel like someone who is out of tune every week and difficult to listen to should not be getting votes. I also couldn't understand why girls would fancy him when someone like Lars Eriksson was on offer! However, he is very young and his cheeky rock style made him different, so I suppose that was the reason for his popularity. Now he's releasing his debut single, and I'm pleased to say that, since he's not singing live and therefore manages to stay in tune, it's not bad at all. Emma-Lee is a catchy, bouncy mid-tempo rock-pop song, better than any of Andreas Johnson or Sebastian's recent singles, but I will definitely be avoiding hearing him sing it live.
86% Poptastic!
Johan Palm - Emma-Lee (Listen)
I can understand why Johan was popular on Idol last year, but I never enjoyed his performances. There are always so many good singers and likeable characters on Idol, that I feel like someone who is out of tune every week and difficult to listen to should not be getting votes. I also couldn't understand why girls would fancy him when someone like Lars Eriksson was on offer! However, he is very young and his cheeky rock style made him different, so I suppose that was the reason for his popularity. Now he's releasing his debut single, and I'm pleased to say that, since he's not singing live and therefore manages to stay in tune, it's not bad at all. Emma-Lee is a catchy, bouncy mid-tempo rock-pop song, better than any of Andreas Johnson or Sebastian's recent singles, but I will definitely be avoiding hearing him sing it live.
86% Poptastic!
Postat av: Ironia
Jessica nämner Sebastian. När han var med i Idol så gillade jag honom, han hade ett eget uttryck och sen hände nåt i den vidare kariären...han blev rätt mainstream och ointressant för mig. Jag kan känna en farhåga att samma sak ska hända Johan Palm i händerna på skivindustrin....han har nåt unikt men det kan också kvävas i sin linda om han inte får jag sätter hopp till plattan...som Stefan S skrev- vi kan ju inte ge upp om JP än.....Ironia